Code Snippets Field Types Examples for managing complex field types such as MultilistField and NameValueListField.
Edit MultilistField
Example: The following demonstrates how to set a field to a known list of Ids. The Id is already converted to a GUID string.
Copy # Hardcoded list of Ids.
$item[ "Allowed Controls" ] = "{guid1}|{guid2}|{guid3}"
Copy # Array of Ids.
$array = [ System.Collections.ArrayList ] @ ()
$array.Add({guid1}) > $null
$array.Add({guid2}) > $null
$ids = [ System.String ]::Join( "|" , $array)
$item[ "Allowed Controls" ] = $ids
Example: The following replaces an instance of an Id with an alternate Id. The Id is already converted to a GUID string.
Copy [ Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField ]$field = $item.Fields[ "Allowed Controls" ]
$field.Replace( "{493B3A83-0FA7-4484-8FC9-4680991CF742}" , "{493B3A83-0FA7-4484-8FC9-4680991CF743}" )
Example: The following adds new Ids to an existing list. Makes use of the Sitecore.Text.ListString
Copy [ Sitecore.Text.ListString ]$ids = $item.Fields[ "Rendering" ].Value
$ids.AddAt( 0 , "{guid1}" ) > $null
$ids.Add( "{guid2}" ) > $null
$ids.Add( "{guid3}" ) > $null
$item.Fields[ "Rendering" ].Value = $ids.ToString()
$item.Editing.EndEdit() > $null
Example: The following appends an ID
to a set of items in all languages. It verifies that the field Keywords exists.
Copy $items = Get-ChildItem - Path "master:\sitecore\content\home" - Recurse - Language *
foreach ($item in $items) {
if ($item.Keywords -and $item.Keywords.Length -gt 0 ) {
$item.Keywords = $item.Keywords + "|{guid}"
} else {
$item.Keywords = "{guid}"
Example: The following example gets all of the items of a MultilistField
and append a specific ID
, ensuring that it's delimited with the |
Copy $items = Get-ChildItem - Path "master:\sitecore\content\home" - Recurse - Language *
foreach ($item in $items) {
$item.Keywords = ( @ () + $item.Keywords.GetItems().ID + "{6D1EACDD-0DE7-4F3D-B55A-2CAE8EBFF3D0}" | Select-Object - Unique) -join "|"
Example: The following example extracts the items from a 'keywords' field, comma separates the values, and then outputs to a report.
Copy function Get-KeywordsAsString ($item) {
[ Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField ] $field = $item.Fields[ "Keywords" ]
$items = $field.GetItems()
$strArray = $items | Foreach { $_.DisplayName }
$strArray -join ', '
Get-ChildItem - Path 'master:\content\home\path-to-item' `
| Show-ListView - Property Name , Language , Version , ID , TemplateName , ItemPath , `
@ { Label = "KeywordsAsString" ; Expression = { Get-KeywordsAsString ( $_ ) } }
Edit NameValueListField
Example: The following example gets all of the name/value pairs of a NameValueListField
and appends a new pair.
Copy $item = Get-Item - Path "master:" - ID "{371EEE15-B6F3-423A-BB25-0B5CED860EEA}"
$nameValues = [ System.Web.HttpUtility ]::ParseQueryString($item.UrlMapping)
# Here you can add or remove name/value pairs
$nameValues[ "^/ab[cde]/$" ] = "/somewhere/fun?lang=en"
foreach ($key in $nameValues.AllKeys) {
$nameValues[$key] = [ Uri ]::EscapeDataString($nameValues[$key])
$item.UrlMapping = [ Sitecore.StringUtil ]::NameValuesToString($nameValues , "&" )