
Updates references to specified item to point to a new provided in the -NewTarget or removes links to the item.


Update-ItemReferrer [-Link] <ItemLink> [-NewTarget] <Item>

Update-ItemReferrer [-Link] <ItemLink> -RemoveLink

Update-ItemReferrer [-NewTarget] <Item> [-Item] <Item>

Update-ItemReferrer -NewTarget <Item> -Path <String> [-Language <String[]>]

Update-ItemReferrer -NewTarget <Item> -Id <String> [-Database <String>] [-Language <String[]>]

Update-ItemReferrer -RemoveLink [-Item] <Item>

Update-ItemReferrer -RemoveLink -Path <String> [-Language <String[]>]

Update-ItemReferrer -RemoveLink -Id <String> [-Database <String>] [-Language <String[]>]

Detailed Description

The cmdlet manipulates link to a specific item. The target item can be provided as an Item object or through Path/ID. it does not modifies the item itself but rather other items that link to it. If the -RemoveLink parameter is used the link will be removed rather than modified. To deliver more fine grained filtering you can provide ItemLink using the -Link parameter. You can obtain ItemLinks using Get-ItemReferrer or Get-ItemReference cmdlets. Consult Examples for specific use cases of each approach.

© 2010-2019 Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West. All rights reserved. Sitecore PowerShell Extensions


ItemLink retrieved from the Link database. Use this parameter to do more granular filtering.

-NewTarget <Item>

New item the links should be pointing to

If provided, removes all links to the current target item.

-Item <Item>

The current item to be relinked.

-Path <String>

Path to the current item to be relinked - can work with Language parameter to narrow the publication scope.

-Id <String>

Id of the current item to be relinked - can work with Language parameter to specify the language other than current session language. Requires the Database parameter to be specified.

-Database <String>

Database containing the current item to be relinked.

-Language <String[]>

If you need the current item to be relinked in specific Language You can specify it with this parameter. Globbing/wildcard supported.


The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.

  • Sitecore.Data.Items.Item


Help Author: Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West



This example covers global operations

Assuming Sitecore PowerShell Extensions 4.2 or newer is installed Assuming your Home has an "Image" field of type "Image" Assuming you have second item next to Home called Home2 that has an "Image" field of type "Image"

$coverImage = Get-Item 'master:\media library\Default Website\cover'
$scLogoImage = Get-item 'master:\media library\Default Website\sc_logo'

Write-Host "`nReset 'home', 'child' and 'home2' to link to 'cover'- 3 items" -Foreground Magenta
(Get-item master:\content\home).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\Home\child).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\home2).Image = $coverImage

Get-ItemReferrer -Item $coverImage            

Write-Host "`nRelinking all instances of 'cover' image to  'sc_logo'" -Foreground Yellow
$coverImage | Update-ItemReferrer -NewTarget $scLogoImage

Write-Host "`n'cover' should no longer have links leading to it - 0 items " -Foreground Red
$coverImage | Get-ItemReferrer 

Write-Host "`n'sc_logo' should now be linked from all - 3 items" -Foreground Green
$scLogoImage | Get-ItemReferrer

Write-Host "`nRemoving links to 'sc_logo' from all items" -Foreground Yellow
$scLogoImage | Update-ItemReferrer -RemoveLink

Write-Host "`n'sc_logo' should have no links to it - 0 items" -Foreground Red
$scLogoImage | Get-ItemReferrer


This example covers more fine-grained filtered approach to removing links

Assuming Sitecore PowerShell Extensions 4.2 or newer is installed Assuming your Home has an "Image" field of type "Image" Assuming you have second item next to Home called Home2 that has an "Image" field of type "Image"

$coverImage = Get-Item 'master:\media library\Default Website\cover'
$scLogoImage = Get-item 'master:\media library\Default Website\sc_logo'

Write-Host "`nReset 'home', 'child' and 'home2' to link to 'cover'- 3 items" -Foreground Magenta
(Get-item master:\content\home).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\Home\child).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\home2).Image = $coverImage

Get-ItemReferrer -Item $coverImage            

Write-Host "`nRemove links to the 'cover' image from all items under 'master:\content\home'" -Foreground Yellow
Get-ChildItem master:\content\home -WithParent -Recurse |   # get items under home
    Get-ItemReference -ItemLink |                           # get all items that they are refering to
    ? { $_.TargetItemID -eq $coverImage.ID } |              # filter only references to $coverImage
    Update-ItemReferrer -RemoveLink                         # remove links

Write-Host "`n'cover' should have 1 link leading from 'home2'" -Foreground Green
$coverImage | Get-ItemReferrer


This example covers more fine-grained filtered approach to removing links

Assuming Sitecore PowerShell Extensions 4.2 or newer is installed Assuming your Home has an "Image" field of type "Image" Assuming you have second item next to Home called Home2 that has an "Image" field of type "Image"

$coverImage = Get-Item 'master:\media library\Default Website\cover'
$scLogoImage = Get-item 'master:\media library\Default Website\sc_logo'

Write-Host "`nReset 'home', 'child' and 'home2' to link to 'cover'- 3 items" -Foreground Magenta
(Get-item master:\content\home).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\Home\child).Image = $coverImage
(Get-item master:\content\home2).Image = $coverImage

Get-ItemReferrer -Item $coverImage            

Write-Host "`nUpdate all links to 'cover' image to point to 'sc_logo' from all immediate children of /sitecore/content" -Foreground Yellow
Get-ChildItem master:\content |                     # get items immediately under 'under home'content'
    Get-ItemReference -ItemLink |                   # get all items that they are refering to
    ? { $_.TargetItemID -eq $coverImage.ID } |      # filter only references to $coverImage
    Update-ItemReferrer -NewTarget $scLogoImage     # point them to 'sc_logo' image

Write-Host "`n'cover' should have link from home2/child - 1 item" -Foreground Green
$coverImage | Get-ItemReferrer

Write-Host "`n'sc_logo' should have links leading from 'home' and 'home2' - 2 items" -Foreground Green
$scLogoImage | Get-ItemReferrer

Last updated