
The Get-PlaceholderSetting command returns PlaceholderSettingDefinition(s) for an item using the filtering parameters.


Get-PlaceholderSetting -Item <Item> [-Key <string>] [-PlaceholderSetting <Item>] [-Index <int>] [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Item <Item> -Instance <PlaceholderDefinition> [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Item <Item> -UniqueId <string> [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Path <string> [-Key <string>] [-PlaceholderSetting <Item>] [-Index <int>] [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Path <string> -Instance <PlaceholderDefinition> [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Path <string> -UniqueId <string> [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting [-Id <string>] [-Database <string>] [-Key <string>] [-PlaceholderSetting <Item>] [-Index <int>] [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -Instance <PlaceholderDefinition> [-Id <string>] [-Database <string>] [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Get-PlaceholderSetting -UniqueId <string> [-Id <string>] [-Database <string>] [-Device <DeviceItem>] [-FinalLayout] [-Language <string[]>]

Detailed Description

The Get-PlaceholderSetting command returns PlaceholderSettingDefinition(s) for an item using the filtering parameters.

© 2010-2019 Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West. All rights reserved. Sitecore PowerShell Extensions


-Database <string>

Database containing the item to be processed - can work with Language parameter to narrow the publication scope.

-Device <DeviceItem>

Device for which the placeholder settings will be retrieved.

-FinalLayout <switch>

Targets the Final Layout. If not provided, the Shared Layout will be targeted. Applies to Sitecore 8.0 and higher only.

-Id <string>

Id of the item to be processed - can work with Language parameter to narrow the publication scope.

-Index <int>

Index at which the placeholder setting exists in the layout. The placeholder setting at that index will be returned.

-Instance <PlaceholderDefinition>

Specific instance of placeholder setting that should be returned. The instance could earlier be obtained through e.g. use of Get-PlaceholderSetting.

-Item <Item>

The item to be processed.

-Key <string>

Placeholder key filter - supports wildcards.

-Language <string[]>

Language that will be used as source language. If not specified the current user language will be used. Globbing/wildcard supported.

-Path <string>

Path to the item to be processed - can work with Language parameter to narrow the publication scope.

-PlaceholderSetting <Item>

Item representing the placeholder setting. If matching, the placeholder setting will be returned.

-UniqueId <string>

UniqueID of the placeholder setting to be retrieved.


The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.

  • Sitecore.Data.Items.Item


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Sitecore.Layouts.PlaceholderDefinition


Help Author: Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West, Alex Washtell



Get all placeholder settings for "Default" device, using any key matching the wildcard "content*"

Get-Item master:\content\home | Get-PlaceholderSetting -Key "content*" -Device (Get-LayoutDevice "Default") 

Last updated