
Creates a version of the item in a new language based on an existing language version.


Add-ItemVersion [-Item] <Item> [-Recurse] [-IfExist <Append | Skip | OverwriteLatest>] [-TargetLanguage <String[]>] [-DoNotCopyFields] [-IgnoredFields <String[]>] [-Language <String[]>]

Add-ItemVersion [-Path] <String> [-Recurse] [-IfExist <Append | Skip | OverwriteLatest>] [-TargetLanguage <String[]>] [-DoNotCopyFields] [-IgnoredFields <String[]>] [-Language <String[]>]

Add-ItemVersion -Id <String> [-Database <String>] [-Recurse] [-IfExist <Append | Skip | OverwriteLatest>] [-TargetLanguage <String[]>] [-DoNotCopyFields] [-IgnoredFields <String[]>] [-Language <String[]>]

Detailed Description

Creates a new version of the item in a specified language based on an existing language/version. Based on parameters you can make the command bahave differently when a version in the target language already exists and define which fields if any should be copied over from the original language.

© 2010-2020 Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West. All rights reserved. Sitecore PowerShell Extensions


The following abbreviations are aliases for this cmdlet:

  • Add-ItemLanguage


-Recurse <SwitchParameter>

Process the item and all of its children.

-IfExist <ActionIfExists>

Default value is Append. Accepts one of 3 values:

  • Append - [Default] if language version exists create a new version with values copied from the original language

  • Skip - if language version exists don't do anything

  • OverwriteLatest - if language version exists overwrite the last version with values copied from the original language

-IfNoSourceVersion <ActionIfNoVersion>

Default value is Skip. Accepts one of 2 values:

  • Skip - [Default] if the source item has no versions don't do anything

  • Add - if the source item has no versions create a version without any copied values

-TargetLanguage <String[]>

Language or a list of languages that should be created

-DoNotCopyFields <SwitchParameter>

Creates a new version in the target language but does not copy field values from the original language

-IgnoredFields <String[]>

List of fields that should not be copied over from original item. As an example, use "__Security" if you don't want the new version to have the same restrictions as the original version.

In addition to the fields in -IgnoredFields the following fields are ignored as configured in Spe.config file in the following location: configuration/sitecore/powershell/translation/ignoredFields.

Fields ignored out of the box include:

  • __Archive date

  • __Archive Version date

  • __Lock

  • __Owner

  • __Page Level Test Set Definition

  • __Reminder date

  • __Reminder recipients

  • __Reminder text

-Language <String[]>

Language that will be used as source language. If not specified the current user language will be used.

-Item <Item>

The item / version to be processed.

-Path <String>

Path to the item to be processed - additionally specify Language parameter to fetch different item language than the current user language.

-Id <String>

Id of the item to be processed - additionally specify Language parameter to fetch different item language than the current user language.

-Database <String>

Database containing the item to be processed - can work with Language parameter to narrow the publication scope.


The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.

  • Sitecore.Data.Items.Item


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Sitecore.Data.Items.Item


Help Author: Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West



Translate the Home Item from English to US and Polish leaving the "Title" field blank. If a version exists don't do anything

PS master:\> Add-ItemVersion -Path "master:\content\home" -Language "en" -TargetLanguage "pl-pl", "en-us" -IfExist Skip -IgnoredFields "Title"


Add a Japanese version to /sitecore/content/home item in the master database based on itself
PS master:\> Add-ItemVersion -Path "master:\content\home" -Language ja-JP -IfExist Append


Translate the children of Home item (but only those of Template Name "Sample Item") from English to US and Polish. If a version exists create a new version for that language. Display results in a table listing item name, language and created version number.

Get-ChildItem "master:\content\home" -Language "en" -Recurse | `
    Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq "Sample Item" } | `
    Add-ItemVersion -TargetLanguage "pl-pl" -IfExist Append | `
    Format-Table Name, Language, Version -auto

Last updated